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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools to support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. Pupil Premium Funding is allocated to pupils:

  • Who are eligible for Free School Meals
  • Who have been in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the past 6 years
  • Who have been continuously looked after for the past six months
  • Whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces or are receiving a pension
  • Who are adopted from care under the 2002 Adoption Act or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order on or after 30 December 2005.  Schools will also receive the Pupil Premium for children who left care under a Residence Order on or after 14 October 1991.

At Durley Primary School we refer to pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding as Pupil Premium pupils (PP pupils)

Pupil Premium Provision and Interventions

All children are individuals, with different needs and different strengths and this is reflected in the wide variety of ways we utilise Pupil Premium funding. The provision we provide encompasses both direct approaches to ‘narrowing the gap’ and other more creative interventions, which subsequently influence academic achievement and very importantly, enhance pupils’ social and emotional well-being. Although the Pupil Premium has been used to specifically impact on individual pupils, it has also been used to impact on the wider school, as all pupils, including those eligible for the grant, benefit from whole school initiatives which improve learning for all. Interventions for each pupil are decided on an individual, needs-led basis thus enabling the children to benefit from more than one intervention which is directly matched to their needs.

Funding for the benefit for every child

Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do. Government funding is ring fenced specifically for this group of children, however, as with every group of children, we supplement and enhance this further to provide the best possible resources for all Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium pupils.

To find out how we spend our Pupil Premium funding, please follow the links below:-